Saturday, August 22, 2020

Distillation column Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Refining segment - Assignment Example As indicated by McCabe and Harriott (2000, p.204), this can be especially accomplished through compel props to help decrease the temperature angles between the base and the top segment of the depropanizer section. Another significant operational plan thought that ought to be seen during the structure of the refining section is its ability. To permit space for the changes of both the fume and fluid rates in the depropanizer section, its ability ought to be sufficient as this improves its operational productivity as well as the wellbeing of the whole refining segment. In conclusion, it is likewise imperative to consider the prerequisites, for example, cleaning, waste and erosion during the plan of the section. This is especially in light of the fact that framework liquids that go through the depropanizer segment are once in a while influenced by characteristics, for example, coking just as the nearness of suspended particles and thusly considering such contemplations in the structure will help limit operational and support costs. During the charging of the Distillation plant tasks, a progression of checks just as counterchecks ought to be performed to guarantee that the whole synthetic plant doesn't have any structure blunders and is reasonable for the refining activities. During this stage, different frameworks and gear, for example, the valves, coolant and the control circles of the refining section are first made operational utilizing safe fluids, for example, water to help test their security and proficiency (Speight, 1999, p.123). Hole testing ought to likewise be completed to guarantee that when the genuine synthetic concoctions are presented, the plant will proceed as initially planned. There are various strategies that ought to be seen to keep away from the event of peculiarities and issues that may emerge during the beginning up of the refining segment. During the introduction, one of the principal techniques that are essential before any move is made at the pinnacle is to set up all the

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Authoritarian Leadership Guide Definition, Qualities, Pros Cons, Examples

Authoritarian Leadership Guide Definition, Qualities, Pros Cons, Examples “Nobody is going to delegate a lot of power to a secretary that they can’t control.” â€" Michael BloombergAuthoritarian, or autocratic, leadership tends to be viewed rather negatively, even though it is among the most common leadership styles in the business world. The term creates a negative image in most minds; an idea of dictators and tyrants. The images are directly translated into the world of leadership, even though authoritarian leadership can have much to offer. © | alphaspiritIn this guide, we will examine the main concepts behind authoritarian leadership and study the core characteristics of the style and the leaders who use it. We’ll also delve into the advantages and disadvantages of the framework, before looking at examples of authoritarian leaders with their weaknesses and strengths.UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT CONTEXTS OF AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIPTo understand authoritarian leadership and how it works, you should study the history of it. While authoritarianism has been around for a long time, the idea of didn’t form into an official leadership style until the publication of a few major studies. The work of Resis Likert and Douglas McGregor has heavily influenced the birth and popularity of the leadership style.Rensis Likert’s study of leadershipIn the 1960s, an American social psychologist Rensis Likert developed a model describing different management and leadership styles. He and his colleagues set out to ident ify how leader’s communicate with subordinates and what behaviors help improve the productivity of industrial organizations.The Liker four-fold model of leadership styles was based on observational and question-based research, with the experiment taking three decades to conclude. The findings are neatly summarized in the below image: The above management styles are also often referred to as:System 1  â€" Exploitative authoritativeSystem 2 â€" Benevolent authoritativeSystem 3 â€" ConsultativeSystem 4 â€" ParticipativeAs you can see, the focus of the four styles is on how it deals with power and decision-making. At the other end, you have the more participatory styles, where subordinates are able to be part of the process, either through decision-making or consultation. But the other end describes the authoritarian model, where the responsibility lies in the hands of the leader.According to Likert’s findings, the authoritative leadership can either manifest as an exploitative or benevolent. In the former style, the leader takes control because lack of trust in the subordinates. In order to achieve goals, the leader assumes responsibility of guiding the subordinates towards the objectives. Furthermore, the leader motivates the subordinates to act solely through a punishment structure. Likert’s studies showed tha t people under the framework are able to operate functionally because they are afraid of the reprisal.But the authoritative or authoritarian style can be more benevolent as well. Again, the leader is in charge of the decision-making, with the power structure built around a conventional hierarchical model. But there is a bit more trust in the subordinates, with the motivation stemming from rewards rather than punishment. Instead of getting subordinates to complete tasks through the fear of being fired, for example, the leader is using positive rewards. This is generally something like a financial gain, such as a bonus for meeting sales targets.Although Likert’s findings preferred the participative leadership model as the most productive style, with the highest subordinate satisfaction levels, the authoritarian model can also work. Satisfaction under the benevolent authoritative style remained moderate and production was measured to be good. Furthermore, studies conducted by Hay and McBer have later discovered the authoritative leader to have the most positive impact on productivity and job satisfaction.Douglas McGregor and Theory XThe above already pointed out a key theory behind the authoritarian leadership style: the emphasis on motivation. In the 1960s, social psychologist Douglas McGregor published his theories on human motivation and how leadership can use it to drive results. McGregor came up with the contrasting theories: Theory Y and Theory X. From these two motivational explanations, the Theory X is relevant to authoritarian leadership.According to the Theory X, subordinates are naturally unmotivated. Work is not a pleasant thing for the subordinates and it isn’t something they are actively interested in pursuing. In a sense, work is a “necessarily evil” for Theory X subordinates. Due to the lack of motivation, the subordinates are:Likely to avoid responsibility - requiring careful direction from the leadersLikely to need supervision - the lead er needs to control, force and even threaten the subordinates to get resultsLikely to have no ambition or incentive to achieve at work -the subordinates need a strong reward or punishment structure to push themselves forwardMcGregor found that the authoritarian model, where decision-making is centralized in the hands of the leader and worker supervision is enhanced, works the best in producing results. Since the subordinates are not naturally interested in achieving results, control and authority must be established to ensure an organizational efficiency. For the Theory X type of subordinate, the leader’s ability to influence and motivate is key.If people are not interested in work and they are relatively unambitious, then the authoritarian leadership style isn’t considered a negative. For people with these qualities, the increased direction and the lack of power are actually beneficial and make their work experience more pleasant. Therefore, the authoritarian style can make the m feel more relaxed and motivated.In addition, the subordinates are strongly motivated by rewards or the fear of punishment. The subordinate is looking for job security above anything else, the ambition is not to climb up the career ladder or achieve wild dreams. Therefore, being told what to do in a directive manner provides the security they seek. The leadership style ensures they are able to do the job and that they have the support and supervision available to limit their risk of making a mistake. The burden of responsibility is not there to paralyze the subordinates.Similar to Likert’s theory, McGregor also found there to be two spectrums of the authoritarian model. Theory X can manifest as a ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approach, according to McGregor. Under the hard approach, the supervision is stricter, with the focus being on punishments rather than rewards. On the other hand, the soft approach showcases more flexibility in terms of rules and regulations. The workers are mot ivated through positive reward rather than intimidation. McGregor argues that for the leadership style to work the most efficiently, the leader must follow a balanced approach, with neither too hard nor soft implementation of the style.Overall, the Theory X can lead to consistent results and enhanced productivity. If the workforce can be adequately identified to have the above qualities and assumptions, then utilizing the authoritarian model could lead to higher quality work and better workforce satisfaction.If you are interested in finding out more about the theory, as well as understand what Theory Y assumes about subordinate motivation, check out the below YouTube video. It perfectly encapsulates how the theories are at the opposite ends of the leadership spectrum. THE CORE ELEMENTS OF AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIPThe above outlines the history of the theory and the basic concepts behind the leadership framework. But what are the building blocks of the authoritarian leadership model?H ere’s a look at the key characteristics, as well as an explanation of the different elements that make the model work.Core characteristics of authoritarian leadershipThe authoritarian leadership style rests on three core elements. These not only define the role of the leader, but also how the framework should be implemented. The three characteristics are:Decisions are made by the leader and without the participation or input of the subordinates. Under the framework, the power of decision-making rests solely in the hands of the leader. Depending on the leader’s style, they can involve the subordinates in a consultative role, although this is not specifically characteristic of the style. An authoritarian model rests on the assumption that subordinates are removed from the decision making, with the leader being able to make decisions on their own.The leader presides over the policies and processes. The style involves a lot of micromanagement, as the leader is not just making the de cisions, but also setting out the different processes. The framework generally doesn’t provide the subordinates much room to figure out their way to reach the goals. Instead, the leader outlines the different procedures and policies all subordinates must adhere to. This provides a clear framework for subordinates to operate in and the leader’s role becomes supervisory.The subordinates are directly supervised and monitored by the leader. As eluded in the above point, the leader’s role is to ensure subordinates follow the guidelines effectively. Unlike in certain other leadership styles, the leader doesn’t walk away and return once the process is complete, but stays actively involved with the tasks. The monitoring ensures the leader is able to use the reward and punishment structures efficiently, as well to ensure the team is not slipping further away from the vision.Essentially the authoritarian leadership framework relies on two things: power and efficiency. The power is in the hands of the leader, with established and clear hierarchy. The structure is pre-determined and therefore, guarantees everyone in the organization is aware of his or her place. Furthermore, the purpose of the framework is to improve and to guarantee efficiency.By setting up the procedures, removing the uncertainty of decisions, and enforcing strict supervision, the aim is to drive up productivity and organizational efficiency. Achieving this is a major objective of the leadership model.Authoritarian leadership framework in actionWhat does all of the above look in action? Since the leadership style has such a clear structure, it also operates in a specific manner. In fact, for the authoritarian style to work, the framework must be perfectly established and followed. If the structure misses a key element, the style can lead to more disadvantages, creating more problems than what it solves.If you examine the leadership style in operation, you can narrow down four key elements that a re essential for its success. These key elements also work as steps to establishing the structure, as you need to figure out the first in order to move on to the next one â€" a chain reaction of characteristics.First element involves the establishment of the vision and objective. Under the authoritarian leadership framework, the leader sets a common vision and goals for the team. Unlike in democratic leadership, where the team might join in to decide on the goals, the leader is in charge of setting out the objectives for the team. A bit similar to charismatic leadership, authoritarian leaders must be able to clearly communicate the vision to subordinates. The emphasis is on clarity, as the goals must be outlined clearly to ensure the subordinates understand them.After the vision and objectives are identified, the leader outlines the procedures of achieving these goals and ensures the team knows what they are doing. The authoritarian leader is in charge of creating the structure for getting things done. The model doesn’t provide subordinates the option of figuring out their own route or doing things in a style they see fit. The leadership framework will involve micromanagement and the subordinates are expected to follow these instructions carefully. Again, the procedures must be explained clearly and different steps should be explained properly to limit confusion. As the aim is to reach objectives efficiently, the leader must be able to see the problems even before they arise and create procedures that limit the risk of issues.The third element is about the leader supervising and monitoring the accomplishments of the goals, while ensuring everyone is doing their bit. Under the authoritarian model, the leader’s role isn’t laidback. Unlike the charismatic model, the style isn’t about the macro elements of leadership and about creating the vision. The emphasis of the style is on efficiency and structure. Therefore, it’s the leader’s role to ensure subo rdinates are putting in the effort and following the procedures set by the leader.Finally, the leader either rewards or punishes subordinates during the process. As both Likert and McGregor theorized, the subordinates that best work under this style are mainly motivated by a reward, often a financial one. But they are also driven by the fear of punishment. Therefore, for the leadership framework to work effectively, a clear reward and punishment system must be set out. The subordinate needs to have something to work towards; for example, they might receive a bonus for completing the work on time. On the other hand, good behavior isn’t solely rewarded, but bad behavior is also scrutinized. In the event of inappropriate actions or inefficiency, the leader must have ways to punish the subordinate. The idea is that the threat of punishment will help limit actual failures and motivates subordinates to work hard.A great collection of movie scences that showcase different leadership styl es including directive leadership and transactional leadership. THE QUALITIES OF AN AUTHORITARIAN LEADERLet’s next turn our attention to the authoritarian leader. Since the framework relies heavily on the leader, the person in charge must possess certain characteristics that make the style easier to implement. Furthermore, as the style can have a bad reputation in today’s business world, it’s important to also examine what it looks like to be an authoritarian leader.The characteristics of an authoritarian leaderAuthoritarian leaders should focus on improving the following five characteristics. These qualities can help them perform better at the tasks and support the organization and the employees.ConfidentThe authoritarian leader will be at the centre of operations, holding the strings to ensure everything within the organization goes smoothly. Therefore, the leader must be confident under pressure and trust his or her ability to make the right decisions. While the amount of p ower you have as the leader might seem tempting, having a lot of power isn’t the easiest of responsibilities.As a leader, you will need to be able to make decisions without necessarily consulting with others. The decisions you make could be the right decisions or the wrong ones. The key to success is your ability to stand confident in the face of them and trust your own abilities. Second-guessing is not something an authoritarian leader can afford to do.Confidence is a tricky characteristic to have, as it requires a careful balance of understanding risks and trusting your inner voice. It’s essential you don’t become over-confident as the leader, since this can hurt the validity of the decisions you make. But you need to be able to showcase your strength and belief in your published a great list of tips on becoming more confident. In it, business leaders give advice on things such as dressing up for success, understanding your value outside of the work env ironment, and strengthening your mind through meditation.Action orientedThe authoritarian leadership style is action oriented. The focus is not on personal empowerment or growth, such as in charismatic leadership, but on achieving the objectives of the organization. Therefore, you need to be a leader who is able to focus on the tasks at hand first.The aim of the authoritarian leader is to identify the goals for the organization and to define the path to reaching them. You need to be able to focus on the processes and actions, ensuring the subordinates have clear instructions to perform their specific duties. Action orientated leaders are able to stay focused and help others keep their eyes on the ball. Since the framework calls for efficiency, you can’t spend a lot of time considering your alternatives. You just need to figure an action plan and execute it with your team.If you’d like to improve your ability to focus more on getting things done, rather than taking time to think things through, there are a few clever steps to take. First, you need to learn to not get ahead of yourself. Thinking about the future and what will happen after we achieve something can be an important part of outlining the journey, but you shouldn’t focus too much on the future.Take things as they come and one step at a time. Secondly, learn to prioritize. The below chart outlines how you can become better at focusing on the essential things first using the Eisenhower method: Source:  jamesclear.comFinally, you should examine your schedule in a realistic light. Don’t try to be too ambitious with what you are going to achieve. You need to be realistic with what can be achieved within a certain time and you should prepare for possible complications as well.CompetitiveCompetitive flair is definitely a leadership trait an authoritarian leader wants to train and possess. You need to be willing to push forward and beat the competition, as this is the only way to ensure the organizations progress doesn’t stall. In essence, your drive to be better will boost the company’s ability to respond to problems and to enhance it’s innovative side.As we’ll see later in the article, the authoritarian leadership style often lacks from creativity. But if you are driven by your ambition and thirst for victory, you can guarantee the team doesn’t just ‘settle’ to do the bare minimum.As an authoritarian leader, your competitiveness can be a major boost to the team morale as well. You want to instill a sense of ambition to your team as well, to ensure they feel invested in the process and the organization.SkilledBeing in charge of the team requires plenty from the leader. If you want to be a success, you need to be skilled and willing to keep learning. Since the decisions rely on your expertise, you need to be able to make judgments based on solid understanding of how the industry and the organization operate. As the accountability ultimately lies in your corner, you need to be able to make sound decisions and not just rely on your gut instinct.Your focus naturally must be on understanding your company inside out. It’s important to continually keep an eye on things and analyze which aspects of it require more attention. Furthermore, you need to stay on top of the industry you operate in. Therefore, you want to visit trade shows, read books about the sector, and discuss developments with other people within the industry.But in addition, you also want to improve your leadership skills. An authoritarian leader should be aware of how people behave in different circumstances and how to get the most out of people without sacrificing their leadership style.EmpoweringFinally, an authoritarian leader should also be empowering. It might not seem the first characteristic people identify with the style, but it can actually be helpful in maintaining employee satisfaction and ensuring tasks are efficiently accomplished. If you are able to empower subordinates to better performance, the company will be the first to benefit.Empowering other people is not a difficult task, even when you can’t change or challenge the hierarchy of power. You don’t need to provide the subordinate with the ability to make decisions; you simply need to ensure they have information. Explaining the importance of your chosen procedures can help them feel more involved and allow them to understand why things are done in a certain way.How to be an authorita rian leader?The above characteristics are essential for an authoritarian leader, but just having them doesn’t necessarily mean you are an effective leader. To guarantee you are operating efficiently and leading the troops in an authoritarian model, you need to take the following four steps.The first step involves gaining enough knowledge of the industry, the company and the task at hand. As mentioned above, you need to have a proper and comprehensive understanding of the situation at all times. The leadership framework rests on the shoulders of the leader. If your subordinates are more knowledgeable, then the organization will run into trouble, as there are no structures available for shared decision making.Knowledge and strong skill set are the building blocks of the authoritarian leadership model, but you also need to build relationships where the rules and roles are clear. As a leader, it is your role to establish the structures and communicate these clearly to your subordinate s. For the style to work, each member of the team has to be aware of the responsibilities they have and the objectives they are supposed to achieve.You need to clearly set out the hierarchy structures and make sure people follow the guidelines they are given. The leader-subordinate relationship should also be clearly established and you do want to focus on establishing your authority first. One way to do so is by paying attention to how you speak.The third step requires you to be consistent with your approach to rewards and punishments. Just as with setting up the roles and responsibilities, subordinates must be aware of the reward and punishment structure. The framework requires a solid reward structure, as we saw above, and the only way to make it work is by showing consistency. In the authoritarian model, results matter and if someone is not performing, then the consequences must always be the same no matter the circumstances.Finally, you need to outline clear guidelines for task completion and behavior. If you expect consistency from your subordinates, you must ensure they are always on top of their responsibilities and the processes they are supposed to follow. The leader’s role is to create and support the structure in which the subordinate is free to perform the tasks.Therefore, you need to outline what the subordinate must do, how he or she should do it, and what are the consequences of inaction or the rewards of completion. In addition, you shouldn’t just focus on the tasks, but also the behavior at the workplace. An authoritarian model can create a respectful and happy workplace if it’s clear what type of behavior is not accepted.For example, you need to lay out clearly what are the rules of turning up late or being mean to your co-workers. Focusing on these can help keep staff motivated and provide them with the right space to be productive.ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSHIPAuthoritarian leadership model comes with its ow n set of advantages and disadvantages. Similar to other leadership styles, when the framework is implemented as intended, it can provide clear benefits to a number of different organizations.But some of its challenges might be difficult to overcome. Therefore, in order to make the most of the framework, it’s important to explore the different sides to the style.Advantages of authoritarian leadershipAuthoritarian leadership style’s major advantage is the clarity in the structure. Since the model is rather rigid, it guarantees everyone is aware of the power structure, the decision making process, and the accountability basis. The simplicity of the model can therefore influence the way the organization operated greatly and guarantee a more efficient performance.In general, this can help boost productivity. The processes are clear, so subordinates are able to focus on the tasks set to them without having to think how and when things are done. For the subordinates this clarity can me an better performance. Uncertainty is generally removed from the situation, as the leader should be able to outline the rules and procedures. Therefore, the subordinate is always aware of what is expected of him and the effort can be put directly in the task and not realizing how to achieve the objective. In certain situations, such as with new employees, this sort of rigid framework of operation can be hugely beneficial.The framework can also lead to fewer mistakes. Since employees have to follow a pre-determined pattern to achieving objectives, the risk of failure can diminish. Processes, which are deemed efficient and effective, will be used and the option for trying something different has been removed. This can help ensure employees don’t risk making mistakes that could damage the company or even injure the employee. Therefore, high-risk industries, like construction, tend to favor the authoritarian style.Overall, the clarity in structure and procedure makes decision-making c learer, which in turn increases organizational effectiveness. When the company faces a decision, the leader can react to it as quickly as possible, since he or she is the only one with the power. There is no need to consult subordinates, leading to a longer period of uncertainty. Instead, the issue can be tackled as the leader sees fit. For this reason, organizations such as the military and healthcare sector can greatly benefit from authoritarian leadership.Company profits can benefit from the style, as deadlines are met on time and risk-taking is limited within the organization. The structure is well rehearsed, creating a system where things are done almost automatically.Disadvantages of authoritarian leadershipBut as mentioned earlier, the authoritarian leadership style has to overcome challenges to work efficiently. There are certain key disadvantages of creating such as clear hierarchy within an organization and directing the decision-making power into the hands of the leader.T he most obvious result is a lack of commitment that subordinates might feel. Since the subordinates are not included in the processes, they can start feeling voiceless members of the organization. In the long term, this can create a drop in motivation to work hard and diminish the commitment levels. The subordinates might feel detached from the organization because the decisions are made for them and they can’t influence most aspects of their work.Overall, the lack of involvement in the process and the fact the subordinates have to obey the orders of the leader can result in resentment. While subordinates can’t expect to always get their way, under the authoritarian leadership model they don’t even get to have an impact on the possible outcome. The decisions are made for them, often without consultation.Since the style lacks involvement and communication, due to the leader holding the total decision-making power, the creativity of the organization can diminish. Creativity ofte n requires the exchange of ideas and back-and-forth discussions with other people. But in the authoritarian leadership framework, the leader simply asks the subordinates to implement the vision set by him or her. The only voice is from the leader, which naturally means other ideas can be left unsaid.This leads to the problem of being reliant on the expertise and knowledge of the leader. The leader has to be the most knowledgeable person in the organization and be able to reinvent himself, as well as the vision for the organization. As soon as the leader starts falling behind on what is happening within the industry, the organization can suffer. Since there are no other voices, the organization can start experiencing the so-called tunnel vision. The ideas of the leader are followed and anything outside of those won’t even be considered. Therefore, the requirements and the pressures on the leader can be extremely harsh.Another major reason authoritarian leadership can suffer from in novation follows from its lack of feedback. Under the leadership style, leaders are not encouraged to engage or offer feedback to the same extent as in some of the other styles. This can mean employee development stall. Since the employee’s role is to simply perform the pre-determined tasks, there is no need for further improvement in many instances. The employee isn’t challenged or pushed to achieve more knowledge or look beyond his or her immediate role.Overall, the lack of employee satisfaction and development can lead to higher churn rate. As soon as the subordinate feels they’ve given everything they have to the organization and start feeling like there is no way forward, they are likely to start looking elsewhere for a new challenge. In essence, as the subordinates around the leader become more experienced, the harder it is for authoritarian style to work in maintaining loyalty and effectiveness.Even if you are an autocratic leader you should know how to build a feedback culture in your business. EXAMPLES OF FAMOUS AUTHORITARIAN LEADERSTo better understand the different aspects of the authoritarian leadership, you need to examine leaders who’ve shown these qualities and characteristics. When it comes to the authoritarian framework, the world of politics is naturally the first place to look.But not all authoritarian leaders have been dictators or politicians; as the above has shown, the leadership style can sometimes be a force for positive change in areas such as business.Below are five examples of authoritarian leaders, venturing a bit deeper into how they used the style to reach objectives.John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy’s time as the President of the United States was tragically cut short, but during his time in office, he managed to accomplish quite a bit. Kennedy’s leadership style is often described as charismatic or even transformational, but he also showcased plenty of authoritarian characteristics.The clearest example of his authorita rian trait was his sense of vision. He wasn’t afraid of directing all resources and focus towards the target he felt were the correct ones. Kennedy’s vision was to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely. Due to his authoritarian leadership style, he was able to direct the nation’s attention and focus on achieving this objective. The key to success was Kennedy’s ability to not only outline the vision, but to also lay out the path to getting there.Due to his charm, Kennedy was able to attract people around him and ensure they were inspired by his knowledge and vision. He had the ability to take people as they are, as well as stay truthful to his own personality. For good and for bad, Kennedy was a leader who wasn’t afraid to speak out. Although Kennedy held on to power and was eager to stay in control of decision-making, he used power in a subtle manner. He didn’t point out status differences or create conflict out of nothing.John F. Kennedy’s leadership style is evident in his famous quote:“Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”Vladimir PutinAnother president who has shown authoritarian leadership qualities is the current head of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Putin’s authoritarian style stems from his background, as he is a former KGB agent. As mentioned above, military organizations often benefit from this type of clear hierarchy model and it’s apparent, Putin has adopted a similar style in his political career.The Russian leader also shares Kennedy’s trait of having a strong vision towards which he pushes the country. For Putin, the vision is to restore Russian hegemony on the global stage and to create a country that people can look up to. He has been able to concentrate much of the country’s decision-making into his own hands. Although the nation has democratic elections, many believe the decisions the parliament mak es come directly from Putin’s desk.Since Putin is leading one of the major military powers in the world, his authoritarian tendencies have clashed with the rest of the world. The stubborn nature of working towards the single objective shows the failings of the authoritarian style in a world where everyone might not agree with the vision. When authoritarian leadership encounters resistance, the results can be heightened conflict situations.Lorne MichaelsBut the authoritarian leaders don’t just exist in the world of politics. The traits and characteristics can be found in many other industry leaders, from the entertainment sector to the world of sports. One example is Lorne Michaels, an American creative producer. Michaels has launched the careers of comedians such as Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy.He’s known for being a demanding producer. But his demanding nature comes from his vision and his passion for turning talented individuals into top performers. If you consider the list of comedians, whose careers Michaels has helped kick off, you can see his vision is perfectly in tune with the American audience. He is able to understand what they want, how to get there, and then help the right people to execute the plan.Creative industries, such as comedy, are not necessarily something you would associate with an authoritarian leadership. Innovation is not often the strongest part of the framework, because it focuses so narrowly on executing a specific vision. But Michaels is an example that strong authority and focus doesn’t necessarily stifle creativity. His meticulous approach to creativity is evident in his quote,“To me there’s no creativity without boundaries. If you’re gonna write a sonnet, it’s 14 lines, so it’s solving the problem within the container.”In an interesting Harvard Business Review interview, Michaels laid out his leadership secrets, which showcase his authoritarian qualities. When asked about motivating his team, Michaels said:â €œYou lead by example. If people sense how committed you are, what the standard is, what you believe in, what you expect, they respond to that. And if they care as deeply as you do, it doesn’t take a motivational speech.”Larry EllisonFinally, the IT industry has also had its fair share of authoritarian leaders. The former chief executive of Oracle Larry Ellison is among them. Ellison has a reputation of being a bit of a swashbuckler and a risk-taker. He’s also a leader who has always had a clear vision of where he wants to be and he generally has wanted to be in control.Similar to all of the above examples, Ellison has always been a ‘what you see is what you get’-personality. Marc Benioff, an ex-Oracle executive, told Forbes,“He doesn’t hide anything. He says, ‘This is my nature, love me or hate me,’ and that’s it.”This creates a work atmosphere that can achieve benefits, such as Oracle’s success in controlling the Internet infrastructure business, but it can also be problematic when crisis arise. For example, in the summer of 2000, two big executives quit because Ellison didn’t want to let go of his leadership position.But authoritarian leaders can step out from rigid models as well. Oracle used to focus only on organic growth, because Ellison didn’t believe in the usability of acquisitions. But he later adjusted his vision on the topic, as he predicted the increase of consolidations within the technology industry. Oracle ventured into a series of high-profiled acquisitions and managed to solidify its position as the market leader as a result.FINAL THOUGHTSWhen people are thinking about what their nightmare boss would look like, the image of an authoritarian leader can pop up. The idea of a controlling leader, who is constantly looking over your shoulder and intimidating you with punishments, is a dreadful one. But authoritarian leader shouldn’t be automatically linked with this kind of behavior. Although the style tends to infli ct strict controls and close supervision, the framework doesn’t advocate it out of malicious thoughts. In fact, the assumptions the authoritarian leadership style tends to make from the subordinates can hold true in many instances.Furthermore, the style can help companies focus on efficiency and productivity. The swift decision-making and traditional hierarchy structure guarantees people are aware of the expectations they have and focus on the tasks. In essence, subordinates and the leader are able to perform the roles they are most suited to perform.Nonetheless, the style can lead to dissatisfaction and lack of innovation. It rests heavily on the capabilities of the leader and therefore, the organization can suffer if the leader is not able to reinvent and develop the vision and processes according to competition. Just as certain types of people might flourish under the style, the controlling nature can make some subordinates feel stifled and restricted. In order to make the styl e work, the leader must be aware of whether the organizations objectives and indeed the subordinates within the team are ready for the demanding leadership framework.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Evaluation Of A Research On Management Education - 1516 Words

Thank you for your submission to Journal of Management Education, â€Å"Criticality in Management Education: What It Is and What It Is Not† (JME-16-0084-ETR). I have completed the evaluation of your paper by soliciting reviews from three experts, who assessed the potential contribution to management education research. Based on their assessment and mine, I would like to offer a high risk revise and resubmit for this manuscript. As I understand it from my reading and the reviewers’ comments, the aim of this manuscript is to provide a systematic review of criticality in the management education domain. Like most instructors who aspire to foster students’ criticality/critical thinking skills, I read this manuscript with great interest for new insights into the literature and for ideas I could use in the classroom. As it currently stands the document’s strength is its aspiration summarized by Reviewer 3 (R3): â€Å"Your manuscript has an interesting premise that we use the term critical loosely and management education can benefit from a critical discussion, more precision, and focus. You present a complicated and important concept, and attempt to delineate terms and meaning.† However, this is more work to be done to actualize this intent. The manuscript’s weaknesses are in four main areas: 1) argumentation, 2) systematic review methods 3) scope, and 4) implications for practi ce. Each point is elaborated below and with suggestions for you to consider during your revision. 1.Show MoreRelatedEvaluating Greenby Education Department1538 Words   |  7 PagesaRunning head: EVALUATION RESEARCH PAPER Case 10: Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department Research University of Phoenix Evaluation the Consultation and Education Department The Greenby Community Mental Health Center process evaluation measure suggests the Consultation and Education Department needs to implement the address of the real questionable issue within the organization, and to evaluate the programs being offered through the organization. The questionable issueRead MoreEvaluating A Business Situation Within The Field Of Management1520 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction In today’s business world, there are many existing research work in the management profession. This ranges on issues of good management practices to bad management which must be addressed for effective running of the organization. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ford Model and Mass Production - 1194 Words

Ford is a prestigious motor company with a successful production history spanning more than a century and involving several influential automobiles, most notably the iconic Model T. Indeed, the Model T was a supreme mechanical innovation, a remarkable marriage of â€Å"technical design and social context† (Boyer Dubofsky 275). Although simple in design, and relatively expensive, the vehicle performed very well against competitors’ models, surviving the primitive roads and almost nonexistent repair facilities thanks to a very robust frame, high wheel clearance and an easy-to-fix motor and suspension (Boyer Dubofsky 275). The popularity of the vehicle was the impetus for Henry Ford to look at innovative production techniques in order to quench the high demand of the American public. The production breakthroughs initiated by Ford in his assembly plants became known alternatively as the ‘assembly line’ approach, or Fordism (Boyer Dubofsky 275). Hence, o utside of the automobile industry and culture of car aficionados, the Ford motor company has had its greatest influence on the world through its primary innovation – assembly line production. Like anything else, mass production did not simply originate with Ford’s acumen, though he certainly was an innovator. The 1890 Westinghouse Air Brake Company also used a prototype of assembly line production. William Klann, head of Ford’s engine department, was most responsible for the adoption of the conveying system at Ford (CurcioShow MoreRelatedLean Production : Toyotas Secret Weapon1314 Words   |  6 PagesBook Summary The Story of Lean Production – Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars That is Revolutionizing World Industry In the beginning of the book, the authors generally introduce three kinds of the worldwide industry in its production system’s development from the very first one to the newest approach, which are craft production, mass production, and lean production respectively. The Industry of Industries in Transition. they look through the history of the automobile manufacturingRead MoreResearch Paper Henry Ford1111 Words   |  5 PagesDaniel Rodriguez English 10 Mrs. Toman March 29, 2011 Research Paper: Henry Ford Imagine how life would be if our society did not have cars. Today, our society is dependent on cars for our daily routines. 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He loved to work on the farm machinery. He was good at fixing things and could even repair watches. Although Ford did not invent the automobile but his introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry, his inventions are still marveled in the modern world today. Henry Ford installed the World’s first moving assembly line in December 1913. Ford and the assembly line improvedRead MoreBiography of Henry Food757 Words   |  3 PagesHenry Ford is the man who forever changed American automobiles. Henry Ford converted the automobile from a luxury toy to a mainstream item of American society. During the beginning of the 20th century, the automobile was considered a luxury for the wealthy but Ford was determined to create an affordable and reliable car that a majority of Americans could invest in. 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The first ideas of the company came out of Ford’s backyard with him using a bicycle to make a vehicle. The assembly line had a big impact that affected other companies by making production much faster. A wide variety of vehicles made patrons be interested in seeing what kind of inventions could be made next

The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use Free Essays

Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. Auliya Atika F. Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gindho Rizano M. Hum Prose II May 24, 2012 Final Task Examination The Educational and Race Issue in Everyday Use Everyday Use is a part of the short story collection In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Woman (1973) by Alice Walker (Wikipedia). Alice Walker is an African – American blooded who often made issues about African – American itself mostly in her works . Everyday Use is one of her outstanding work which got many appreciation from literary’s devotees. This story itself is telling about an unlucky family who consist of Mama and her two daughters, where is a quarrel between Mama and her oldest daughter and also how her youngest daughter who have a very self low-esteem perceive any conflicts at their home. For this chance, I want to discuss the related topic which prominent enough to this stories, there are two things I want to discuss, the first is the educational issues between the characters, especially about the contrary among Mama and Maggie with Dee. And the second is race issues which contain in some parts of this story. The characters of Mama and Maggie in this story described is not get a good education facilities because of some unexperctable problem: â€Å"I never had an education myself. After second grade the school was closed down† (page 3). Although she and her youngest sister just couldn’t reach the proper education, her oldest sister, Dee could enjoy school until college now and she even studied in a prestigious boarding Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. school at other city. Dee at her sixteen age already have her own unique style, from head to toe, so bright and colorful, and ever her hairstyle which Mama can’t tolerance it anymore from the bottom of her heart: â€Å"A dress down to the ground, in this hot weather. A dress so loud it hurts my eyes †¦. I feel my whole face warming from the heat waves it throws out† (page 4). Mama actually hopes by sending Dee to the highest level of education, she could get into the moment to share any knowledge as large as Dee got from school: â€Å"†¦we raised the money, the church and me, to send her to Augusta to school. † (page 2). And the best point of expentacy of Mama sending her to school is in order to Dee more appreciate her in any things. Mama hopes Dee could appreciate Mama’s large and manly body, Mama’s dark skin, and how Mama acted like a strong man and she loves it a lots. It is a very simple hope from a mother to a daughter actually, but Dee definitely couldn’t make it at all. Dee just come back home after a long time since the last time she came with her more arrogant style towards her own family. She even greet Mama with the strange greetings language â€Å"Wa-su-zo Tean-o,†, which actually an African language. She comes to home with a strange boy who she introduced to Mama as her boyfriend. Her lofty style towards Mama, and how she threats Mama and Maggie bad, as she’s much better on any points than both of them are the result of what we get from studied on years. She’s just alienated herself and make her own arrogant cogitation about her life. Ironically Maggie who just never left home and having a traumatic problems because of she almost burned of fire at her home in the past. Her body just shuffled when she walks and her chin always bend down. She’s kind of a very nervous girl and just taking anything given to her. She’s very unconfindent with her lack of education and very suffered of her serious shyness towards society out there. Eventhough Mama always says to her that someday she will marry John Thomas and sooner after then will gain her self confident and could be a stronger woman. We can see the ironic contradiction between those two siblings and how education and the lack of it could give them dangerous impacts to their each other life. Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. The race issue also coloring this story in some aspects. Alice Walker itself actually is African-American and like to mold the topic about race on her works. The stories in the collection book where this short stories published is taking the setting place around Walker’s home where contains of cultural mixing between the modern New York City and the East Africa Nation Uganda (Sparknotes). And also the characters in this story possibly reflected the author’s family. Walker is the youngest child of eight children in her family. Shes growing up during 1960’s-1970’s, and during that time she must to do a lot of work in her young age. Woman in this era still expected to do the house works stuff, such cooked, cleaned the house, etc. But it is actually is quite different with this story, because Mama ever tell about how she is doing some works which man used to do it, and in the actual African-American tradition, it is not suitable for woman who doing the man’s work: I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. . . . I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. (page 1). We can observe the racism elements in this story firstly through Mama’s character. How she described her own appearance and and her life background and also how people think of her: â€Å"Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye? (page 2). Another point which indicate the race element in this story is how Mama is comparing the skin color between she and her daughters: â€Å"Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure. † (page 2). The African traditional culture in this stories also could be seen in the last part which Mama is arguing with Dee concerning the quilts, as their family heritage. Dee is really wanting the quilts, but Mama keep insistent to grant the grandmother’s command to give them to Maggie, it is a culture or that she keeps Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. n and don’t want to break it: â€Å"I†¦snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangero’s hands and dumped them into Maggie’s lap†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 9). The quilts itself used to wear and as a piece of uniforms that Dee’s grandfather wore during the civil war, it could be a symbolizes about Black-American suffering experiences. We could also observe the race issue through Dee’s character. The change of Dee’s name into an African name â€Å"Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo† actually because she wants to protest being named after the people who have oppressed her: â€Å"I couldn’t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me† (Page 4).. By changing her name, she seemed doesn’t want to be associated with her family’s culture and she feels freedom after her name have changed. And although her new name is African name, but she doesn’t related it at all into her family. After being a more educational and smart woman who studied until the high level, Dee even felt ashamed with her family reality life: â€Å"She wrote me once that no matter where we â€Å"choose† to live, she will manage to come see us. But she will never bring her friends. † (page 3). She is even unaware to comprehend herself to learn making quilts, a traditional heritage from her family. She just looked the quilts through the material value, not from heritage value. Heritage or generation, it is not a symbolize of her family traditions, she just wear it without any meaning at all. Dee’s view on the value of family culture and tradition value seemed very contrast with Mama and her sister, Maggie. Mama and Maggie think that traditions are something eternal and no longer definited as an â€Å"Everyday Use†, it is always planted in their heart and mind as an admiration to their ancestors who have built these traditions since a very long time ago. As in the beginning of the story, Mama as a narrator proudly introduced herself as a strong African-American woman. Obviously we can conclude that the both issues I discuss this time is very related to each other in this story. The first is the educational issue that happened among the main characters, Mama and Maggie with Dee. Mama and Maggie who forced to give up their school since the beginner grade is very contrary with Dee who could continue her study until the high level, college. But the high education that Dee could Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. reach apparently couldn’t shape her become into a polite woman and a good children. She’s become arrogant with her high intellectual level, she unaware with her family cultural and traditions and even more underestimate her mother. And although Mama and Maggie are low in educational, but they have a highly appreciation to their own culture and tradition. So, the second issue which is about race could joint to the previous issue, the educational issue. Alice Walker is very famous to drop the race issue in her mostly works. In this story the race issues could we find out through the characteristics of especially Mama and Dee. Dee who have been in the year of college, but her appreciation to their family tradition is become weaker and make her be arrogant and underestimating her own family. Her intellect maybe has been killed her respect. So the education couldn’t determine someone become also better in her mindset and behavior. Works Cited Walker, Alice. Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Woman: Everyday Use. 1973 Klarer, Mario. An Introduction to Literary Studies (Second Edition). (London: Routledge, 2004) 103-115. www. wikipedia. org/Everyday_Use How to cite The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use, Essay examples

The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use Free Essays

Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. Auliya Atika F. Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gindho Rizano M. Hum Prose II May 24, 2012 Final Task Examination The Educational and Race Issue in Everyday Use Everyday Use is a part of the short story collection In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Woman (1973) by Alice Walker (Wikipedia). Alice Walker is an African – American blooded who often made issues about African – American itself mostly in her works . Everyday Use is one of her outstanding work which got many appreciation from literary’s devotees. This story itself is telling about an unlucky family who consist of Mama and her two daughters, where is a quarrel between Mama and her oldest daughter and also how her youngest daughter who have a very self low-esteem perceive any conflicts at their home. For this chance, I want to discuss the related topic which prominent enough to this stories, there are two things I want to discuss, the first is the educational issues between the characters, especially about the contrary among Mama and Maggie with Dee. And the second is race issues which contain in some parts of this story. The characters of Mama and Maggie in this story described is not get a good education facilities because of some unexperctable problem: â€Å"I never had an education myself. After second grade the school was closed down† (page 3). Although she and her youngest sister just couldn’t reach the proper education, her oldest sister, Dee could enjoy school until college now and she even studied in a prestigious boarding Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. school at other city. Dee at her sixteen age already have her own unique style, from head to toe, so bright and colorful, and ever her hairstyle which Mama can’t tolerance it anymore from the bottom of her heart: â€Å"A dress down to the ground, in this hot weather. A dress so loud it hurts my eyes †¦. I feel my whole face warming from the heat waves it throws out† (page 4). Mama actually hopes by sending Dee to the highest level of education, she could get into the moment to share any knowledge as large as Dee got from school: â€Å"†¦we raised the money, the church and me, to send her to Augusta to school. † (page 2). And the best point of expentacy of Mama sending her to school is in order to Dee more appreciate her in any things. Mama hopes Dee could appreciate Mama’s large and manly body, Mama’s dark skin, and how Mama acted like a strong man and she loves it a lots. It is a very simple hope from a mother to a daughter actually, but Dee definitely couldn’t make it at all. Dee just come back home after a long time since the last time she came with her more arrogant style towards her own family. She even greet Mama with the strange greetings language â€Å"Wa-su-zo Tean-o,†, which actually an African language. She comes to home with a strange boy who she introduced to Mama as her boyfriend. Her lofty style towards Mama, and how she threats Mama and Maggie bad, as she’s much better on any points than both of them are the result of what we get from studied on years. She’s just alienated herself and make her own arrogant cogitation about her life. Ironically Maggie who just never left home and having a traumatic problems because of she almost burned of fire at her home in the past. Her body just shuffled when she walks and her chin always bend down. She’s kind of a very nervous girl and just taking anything given to her. She’s very unconfindent with her lack of education and very suffered of her serious shyness towards society out there. Eventhough Mama always says to her that someday she will marry John Thomas and sooner after then will gain her self confident and could be a stronger woman. We can see the ironic contradiction between those two siblings and how education and the lack of it could give them dangerous impacts to their each other life. Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. The race issue also coloring this story in some aspects. Alice Walker itself actually is African-American and like to mold the topic about race on her works. The stories in the collection book where this short stories published is taking the setting place around Walker’s home where contains of cultural mixing between the modern New York City and the East Africa Nation Uganda (Sparknotes). And also the characters in this story possibly reflected the author’s family. Walker is the youngest child of eight children in her family. Shes growing up during 1960’s-1970’s, and during that time she must to do a lot of work in her young age. Woman in this era still expected to do the house works stuff, such cooked, cleaned the house, etc. But it is actually is quite different with this story, because Mama ever tell about how she is doing some works which man used to do it, and in the actual African-American tradition, it is not suitable for woman who doing the man’s work: I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. . . . I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. (page 1). We can observe the racism elements in this story firstly through Mama’s character. How she described her own appearance and and her life background and also how people think of her: â€Å"Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye? (page 2). Another point which indicate the race element in this story is how Mama is comparing the skin color between she and her daughters: â€Å"Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure. † (page 2). The African traditional culture in this stories also could be seen in the last part which Mama is arguing with Dee concerning the quilts, as their family heritage. Dee is really wanting the quilts, but Mama keep insistent to grant the grandmother’s command to give them to Maggie, it is a culture or that she keeps Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. n and don’t want to break it: â€Å"I†¦snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangero’s hands and dumped them into Maggie’s lap†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 9). The quilts itself used to wear and as a piece of uniforms that Dee’s grandfather wore during the civil war, it could be a symbolizes about Black-American suffering experiences. We could also observe the race issue through Dee’s character. The change of Dee’s name into an African name â€Å"Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo† actually because she wants to protest being named after the people who have oppressed her: â€Å"I couldn’t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me† (Page 4).. By changing her name, she seemed doesn’t want to be associated with her family’s culture and she feels freedom after her name have changed. And although her new name is African name, but she doesn’t related it at all into her family. After being a more educational and smart woman who studied until the high level, Dee even felt ashamed with her family reality life: â€Å"She wrote me once that no matter where we â€Å"choose† to live, she will manage to come see us. But she will never bring her friends. † (page 3). She is even unaware to comprehend herself to learn making quilts, a traditional heritage from her family. She just looked the quilts through the material value, not from heritage value. Heritage or generation, it is not a symbolize of her family traditions, she just wear it without any meaning at all. Dee’s view on the value of family culture and tradition value seemed very contrast with Mama and her sister, Maggie. Mama and Maggie think that traditions are something eternal and no longer definited as an â€Å"Everyday Use†, it is always planted in their heart and mind as an admiration to their ancestors who have built these traditions since a very long time ago. As in the beginning of the story, Mama as a narrator proudly introduced herself as a strong African-American woman. Obviously we can conclude that the both issues I discuss this time is very related to each other in this story. The first is the educational issue that happened among the main characters, Mama and Maggie with Dee. Mama and Maggie who forced to give up their school since the beginner grade is very contrary with Dee who could continue her study until the high level, college. But the high education that Dee could Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika F. reach apparently couldn’t shape her become into a polite woman and a good children. She’s become arrogant with her high intellectual level, she unaware with her family cultural and traditions and even more underestimate her mother. And although Mama and Maggie are low in educational, but they have a highly appreciation to their own culture and tradition. So, the second issue which is about race could joint to the previous issue, the educational issue. Alice Walker is very famous to drop the race issue in her mostly works. In this story the race issues could we find out through the characteristics of especially Mama and Dee. Dee who have been in the year of college, but her appreciation to their family tradition is become weaker and make her be arrogant and underestimating her own family. Her intellect maybe has been killed her respect. So the education couldn’t determine someone become also better in her mindset and behavior. Works Cited Walker, Alice. Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Woman: Everyday Use. 1973 Klarer, Mario. An Introduction to Literary Studies (Second Edition). (London: Routledge, 2004) 103-115. www. wikipedia. org/Everyday_Use How to cite The Educational and Race Issue on Everyday Use, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sinbad Essays - Sinbad The Sailor, Sinbad, Roc,

Sinbad Sinbad the parade originated from Sinbad the Arabic mariner. The Sinbad Sinbad the parade originated Krewe parades in Metairie, Louisiana. The Krewe of Sinbad was founded in 1989 and will hold it's tenth annual parade this year. Myth has it that Sinbad was always having great adventures. One day he found himself in front of a large rock. However, he discovered that it was actually a huge egg. A large bird swooped down to snatch the egg. Sinbad tied is whole body to the bird's leg and was carried way into the sky. The bird made a crashing landing and Sinbad quickly untied himself. Sinbad was now in a large valley full of diamonds as big as his head. Suddenly, big chunks of meat fell down from the heavens and were on top of the diamonds. The birds picked up the meet that contained the diamonds as big as bowling balls and flew away. Sinbad roped some of the big diamonds to his waist and covered himself up with a piece of meat that he through across his back so that the birds would scoop him up. Sinbad was dropped into a nest where he found a man. The man was dropping the meat to have the bird's pick up the meat and he would collect all of the diamonds. The man later showed him the way to get back home. Sinbad was able to harness a bird by using his head and the tools around him.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think

Positivity in Your Job Search Will Get You Farther Than You Think Perhaps you’ll identify with me when I say I can’t stand hearing anyone complain- except for myself. That said, even my tolerance for my own complaints has plummeted in the last few years. As soon as I start complaining in a conversation, I know I’ve made a big mistake. I leave the interaction feeling horrible, sure the person I was talking to will never want to talk to me again. Last week, while reading AJ Jacobs’ The Guinea Pig Diaries, I learned something new about the impact of my complaining or criticizing. I was shocked to discover a phenomenon that makes people really and truly think poorly of me when I speak poorly of others. You Are What You Speak It turns out that not only are complainers seen as negative, but that the characteristics they attribute to others are automatically attributed to them by their listener. So if I call someone racist, the person listening to me will unconsciously dub me a racist. If I call someone stupid or incompetent, I will be seen as stupid and incompetent. In contrast, if I talk about how nice, helpful, talented, and all-around awesome people are, listeners will associate all those positive characteristics with me. Since learning about this mind mechanism, I’ve become much more conscious of my speech. I now understand that by using negative language, I’m risking not only that people will have a generally negative feeling about me, but also that they will make specific negative judgments that I certainly don’t want attached to me. By using more positive words, I can consciously shape the way people think of me. I recently had a conversation with one of my executive clients, who had been given the runaround, then turned away by another resume writing company, because they don’t work with â€Å"Muslim terrorists.† I can assure you this man is one of the most generous and kind people you would ever want to meet. He did not have anything negative to say about that company, and he chose not to report them to the BBB or even tell LinkedIn to investigate their profiles. He figured he could stay positive, and let them dig their own graves. If they are putting out that negativity into the world, they themselves will be seen as negative. Positive Language in Your Job Search Also last week, I saw a resume that spoke of bringing together often â€Å"fractious† staff. The word â€Å"fractious† appeared twice in one resume! Guess what anyone reading that resume will think of the applicant? Yep†¦ that he himself is the fractious one. His final resume will not include that word if I have anything to say about it. Instead, he will say that he fostered teamwork in a diverse, multi-cultural environment. That sounds much better doesn’t it? While it’s important in many cases to provide a â€Å"before and after† picture to highlight your accomplishments, putting people down will never serve you. You can talk about bringing negative profits to positive ones, but don’t let the negative adjectives spill over onto people.  (Learn more about creating compelling accomplishment bullets with my DIY resume books. Sign up here to get a free excerpt!) In job interviews as well, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of staying positive. I still remember an interview I gave when I was a manager in a legal department. The interviewee had an impressive background, but in her interview, almost every word out of her mouth was about the negative aspects of her prior employment. Needless to say, she didn’t get hired. If she had been more positive, we would have considered her. In Business Insider’s 29 Words You Should Never Say in a Job Interview, here’s what author Jacquelyn Smith says about some clearly damaging words you must avoid: Terrible, horrible, awful, hate, etc. You shouldnt use negative language during your interview - especially when youre talking about your current or previous boss or employer. Even if the interviewer invites you to,  dont, Hoover says. Its not classy, and it  will make you sound bitter and petty. It also shows that you could bad-mouth any boss or company in the future - and it could even be a test to see if you will say anything disparaging. That’s great advice, and now I understand that if you use words like these, you will actually be perceived as terrible, horrible, awful, hating person. While Ms. Smith doesnt suggest positive words to emphasize, I would offer â€Å"exciting,† â€Å"growthful,† â€Å"positive,† â€Å"amazing,† â€Å"collaborative,† â€Å"talented,† â€Å"friendly,† â€Å"smart,† â€Å"brilliant,† â€Å"creative,† â€Å"innovative,† and other adjectives that paint others – and, by default, you – in a favorable light. The Challenge, If You Choose to Accept It Eliminating negative language is not as easy as it sounds. I caught myself today talking to a very helpful man at the airport about how unhelpful a customer service person had been because she gave me directions to the hotel shuttle that didn’t help. â€Å"Wow,† I thought, â€Å"I’m addicted to complaining!† There was clearly no useful purpose in sharing that information with him, and now he probably thinks I’m negative and unhelpful. I sure have a lot more work to do on this positivity project! I’m grateful to have people like my client and others who inspire me to live and work â€Å"above the line.† They keep me honest and, well, I think they’re fantastic and awesome! Are you ready to start being more aware of your language so you can be perceived in a positive light yourself, in life, in business, and in your job search? Please share your thoughts and stories below.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Molarity Example Problem - Dissolving Sugar in Water

Molarity Example Problem - Dissolving Sugar in Water Molarity is a unit of concentration in chemistry that describes the number of moles of a solute per liter of solution. Heres an example of how to calculate molarity, using sugar (the solute) dissolved in water (the solvent). Molarity Chemistry Question A 4 g sugar cube (sucrose: C12H22O11) is dissolved in a 350 ml teacup filled with hot water. What is the molarity of the sugar solution? First, you need to know the equation for molarity: M m/Vwhere M is molarity (mol/L)m number of moles of soluteV volume of solvent (Liters) Step 1 - Determine number of moles of sucrose in 4 g Determine the number of moles of solute (sucrose) by finding the atomic masses of each type of atom from the periodic table. To get the grams per mole of sugar, multiply the subscript after each atom by its atomic mass. For example, you multiply the mass of hydrogen (1) by the number of hydrogen atoms (22). You may need to use more significant figures for the atomic masses for your calculations, but for this example, only 1 significant figure was given for the mass of sugar, so one significant figure for atomic mass is used. Add together the values for each of the atoms to get the total grams per mole: C12H22O11 (12)(12) (1)(22) (16)(11)C12H22O11 144 22 176C12H22O11 342 g/mol To get the number of moles in a specific mass, divide the number of grams per mole into the size of the sample: 4 g/(342 g/mol) 0.0117 mol Step 2 - Determine the volume of solution in liters The key here is to remember you need the volume of solution, not just the volume of solvent. Often, the amount of solute doesnt really change the volume of the solution, so you can simply use the volume of solvent. 350 ml x (1L/1000 ml) 0.350 L Step 3 - Determine the molarity of the solution M m/VM 0.0117 mol /0.350 LM 0.033 mol/L Answer: The molarity of the sugar solution is 0.033 mol/L. Tips for Success Watch the number of significant figures you use from the periodic table and throughout your calculations. This can affect you final answer slightly.Remember you need volume of solution, not volume of solvent. For solutions made by mixing two liquids, this can be particularly important. You cant always add together the volumes to get the final volume. For example, if you mix alcohol and water, the final volume will be less than the sum of that of alcohol and water. The concept of miscibility comes into play.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Paradise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paradise - Essay Example These days, we use it as a getaway since none of the member of my family is interested in hunting. A night in the cabin is a wonderful and peaceful experience, the sound of night birds and sometimes a cool breeze lulls you to sleep gently so that I not I fall asleep feeling as if the wild is inside with me, but not in a fearful but natural and comforting way. The cabin is made of logs, and it has seen better days, however as I said paradise does not have to be perfect in the sense of the word. In the morning, rays of; sun stream merrily trough the some of the crack in the walls and make incredibly beautiful patterns and with dust particle seemingly dancing in the light which appear to be carrying them like long super thing multicolored florescent bulbs. Then there is the music, in the morning here, birds seem to set up an orchestra, and one wakes up to the most melodious and sweet music imaginable, birds crowd the bird feeder at the back of the house. As they feast, on whatever I had put out for them the previous night, their singing more than makes up for the trouble. At the cabin, there is no telephone or electricity and I have to depend on lanterns and a wooden fire, under other circumstances, I would find this tedious, but here it simply adds novelty to the adventure and makes it more romantic. For breakfast, I normally have fried bacon and coffee the latter, which I cook using an old-fashioned skillet that used to belong to my grandfather. Most of the times when I go to the cabin, I spend the day wandering around in the neighboring woods often snapping pictures and enjoying the idyllic life of woodsman. Apart from my camera the only other gadget, I allow myself is an iPod on which I sometimes listen to my favorite songs as I watch the sunset from one of the hammocks at the back of the cabin. While the cabin holds its own unique thrills, the highlight of any visit is in the long walks I take through the woods, my favorite is a path I transverse the wood for about 4 miles and ends up at a beautiful waterfall. I often set off after breakfast at around 7 am as I slowly make my way downwards, I often stop to admire the flowers as they blossom in their thousands of different colors all, which I take in with new wonder each time I see them. The morning dew glistens and the yellow rays of the new sun reflect on them forming kaleidoscopes that simply astound me. The earth is soft since it is rarely trodden on, on the leaves of the many overhanging trees, as a result of deficient sunlight reaching the soil has a sweet dump smell that reminds me of the smell that results when sudden rain hits parched earth. The soil is mostly dark almost blackish and soft enough to make one feel like they are walking on cotton, but not damp enough to be muddy. The flowers different scents added to this make it a cocktail of the sweetest and freshest smells I very get to experience. I often walk this way for a few hour, and I take many pictures, which often end up adorning my desktop others some posters on my walls back home. The woods thin out as I approach the river and by this time the sun is beginning to be a bit too hot, but this doesn’t bother me in the least since I k now I will soon find respite, from the heat. From afar, the waterfall looks almost like a cutout from a Disney world movie, and one almost expects it to fade away and give way to something

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How did the French Revolution influence the development of nationalism Essay

How did the French Revolution influence the development of nationalism in 19th century Europe - Essay Example The paper tells that the idea of nationalism is said to have emerged from the French Revolution in 1789. It is reported that, during this time, France was already a fully-fledge territorial nation under the rule of a powerful monarch. The French Revolution that took place during this time brought a lot of changes both political and constitutional that led to a shift of sovereignty from the monarch to the citizens of France. The French Revolution clamoured for the introduction of a system in which power is to be vested on the people who would henceforth be mandated to constitute the nation and determine its destiny. It is also noted that, right from the start, the French revolutionaries brought in place practices and measures aimed at creating a sense of collectivity among the people of France. For instance, the la patrie (the fatherland) idea and Ie citoyen (the citizen) advocated for a united community where people are free and enjoy equal rights as enshrined in the constitution. As a result, the French people chose a national flag, the tricolour, in replacement of its royal standard. This was followed by the election of Estates General by citizens and later on renamed as the National Assembly. After the formation of the National Assembly, the French people then composed hymns, took oaths and commemorated martyrs all in the name of their country. The French also formed a centralized system of government accompanied by the formulation of laws that were to govern the country.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Cowboys in Kilts: The Failure of the Scenic in Rob Roy & Braveheart :: essays papers

Cowboys in Kilts: The Failure of the Scenic in Rob Roy & Braveheart There was recently a cartoon in the New Yorker magazine.The cartoon shows a group of kilt-clad Highlands charging up a hill, claymore swords drawn and waving, as one of them says to another, "You know, if we didn't wear this damn skirtsmaybe we wouldn't have to defend our manhood every five minutes." My analysis begins, as it will end, where most cowboy movies begin and end, with the landscape.Western heroes are essentially synedoches for that landscape, and are identifiable by three primary traits: first, they represent one side of an opposition between the supposed purity of the frontier and the degeneracy of the city, and so are separated even alienated from civilization; second, they insist on conducting themselves according to a personal code, to which they stubbornly cling despite all opposition or hardship to themselves or others; and third, they seek to shape their psyches and even their bodies in imitation of the leanness, sparseness, hardness, infinite calm and merciless majesty of the western landscape in which their narratives unfold.All of these three traits are present in the figures of Rob Roy and William Wallace--especially their insistence on conducting themselves according to a purely personal definition of honor--which would seem to suggest that the films built around them and their exploits could be read as transplanted westerns.However, the transplantation is the problem for, while the protagonists of these films want to be figures from a classic western, the landscape with which they are surrounded is so demonstrably not western that it forces their narratives into shapes which in fact resist and finally contradict key heroic tropes of the classic western. Howard Hawkes' 1948 Red River will serve as our example of the western model.The opening credits rise literally out of the landscape, and we're told in the opening narration that this is a story of the landscape, in that it recounts the first major cattle drive along the Chisholm trail from Texas to Abeline, Kansas.In the 1st scene we see a vastly open prairie with a small wagon train almost lost in its expanse.We discover immediately that Dunson (John Wayne) is leaving the wagon train to strike out on his own.The signature trait of Dunson is the first of the western hero's trademarks: once he's made up his mind, "nothing anyone says or does can change it"; despite the entreaties of the wagon master and his putative girlfriend, Dunson sets out south with only his friend, Tom Groot (played by Walter Brennan). Cowboys in Kilts: The Failure of the Scenic in Rob Roy & Braveheart :: essays papers Cowboys in Kilts: The Failure of the Scenic in Rob Roy & Braveheart There was recently a cartoon in the New Yorker magazine.The cartoon shows a group of kilt-clad Highlands charging up a hill, claymore swords drawn and waving, as one of them says to another, "You know, if we didn't wear this damn skirtsmaybe we wouldn't have to defend our manhood every five minutes." My analysis begins, as it will end, where most cowboy movies begin and end, with the landscape.Western heroes are essentially synedoches for that landscape, and are identifiable by three primary traits: first, they represent one side of an opposition between the supposed purity of the frontier and the degeneracy of the city, and so are separated even alienated from civilization; second, they insist on conducting themselves according to a personal code, to which they stubbornly cling despite all opposition or hardship to themselves or others; and third, they seek to shape their psyches and even their bodies in imitation of the leanness, sparseness, hardness, infinite calm and merciless majesty of the western landscape in which their narratives unfold.All of these three traits are present in the figures of Rob Roy and William Wallace--especially their insistence on conducting themselves according to a purely personal definition of honor--which would seem to suggest that the films built around them and their exploits could be read as transplanted westerns.However, the transplantation is the problem for, while the protagonists of these films want to be figures from a classic western, the landscape with which they are surrounded is so demonstrably not western that it forces their narratives into shapes which in fact resist and finally contradict key heroic tropes of the classic western. Howard Hawkes' 1948 Red River will serve as our example of the western model.The opening credits rise literally out of the landscape, and we're told in the opening narration that this is a story of the landscape, in that it recounts the first major cattle drive along the Chisholm trail from Texas to Abeline, Kansas.In the 1st scene we see a vastly open prairie with a small wagon train almost lost in its expanse.We discover immediately that Dunson (John Wayne) is leaving the wagon train to strike out on his own.The signature trait of Dunson is the first of the western hero's trademarks: once he's made up his mind, "nothing anyone says or does can change it"; despite the entreaties of the wagon master and his putative girlfriend, Dunson sets out south with only his friend, Tom Groot (played by Walter Brennan).

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A charity appeal letter for Action Against Hunger

I am the director of a company called Action against Hunger which You may have heard of, I am writing to you to ask your generosity and kindness to those less fortunate than you. I am hoping that you can spare a small amount of time to read my letter, and consider making a donation. You may be thinking that this is just another junk letter asking for money for a worthless cause, but we need your help. Firstly, Action against hunger is an organisation that helps children and adults all around the world suffering from malnutrition Action against Hunger’s vision is of a world without hunger. A world in which all children and adults have sufficient food and water, equitable access to the resources that sustain life, and are able to attain these with dignity. Our mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, especially during and after emergency situations of conflict, war and natural disaster. From crisis to sustainability, we tackle the underlying causes of malnutrition and its effects. By integrating our programmes with local and national systems we further ensure that short-term interventions become long-term solutions. As you can see, we do a lot of things for people that are less fortunate than us, and we need all the donation we can get to keep this going. Your support is immensely powerful. Regardless of the amount, it enables our field workers to save lives, feeding children on the brink of death, helping isolated and vulnerable communities, and providing families with clean and safe drinking water. You can change a person’s life. So why wait? Furthermore, the expected rains across large areas of the region (including north east Kenya and large parts of Somalia) have failed, leading to an severe food crisis. Thousands of families, including around 70,000 children, have been forced to flee the drought-stricken homes to survive, with many joining overcrowded refugee camps. What if you were in this position? And you were the one begging for food. They do need your help, or the worse could happen. No person was born to die. So help fight global hunger!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hiv And Aids A Serious Disease - 1395 Words

HIV and AIDS is a very serious disease in this world and will continue to fester within our population because of ignorance and lack of knowledge about this infection. AIDS is recognized as an international health catastrophe. It is the first outlandish and unique widespread of communicable diseases. People with AIDS acquire many different kinds of diseases which the body would usually fight off easily but this illness breaks down the body’s defenses. AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV, which is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV can be passed on because it would be present in the blood of infected people. Corruption and nonexistence of religion has played a menacing role in the first phase of the disease. Today other sources of the disease are considered, like the worldwide unfamiliarity of personal hygiene and sexual life. HIV and AIDS have taken a toll on the world especially in Africa. It has been a major cause of death in the world; it also continues to be a pu blic health concern. It presents a threat to impending generations with villages being cleaned out due to its influences. The most disturbed generation being the most dynamic age group leaving the senior and ripened to look after the young. Widows and stray children have been a leading indicator in many communities and strive through trials and tribulations to endure the impacts of HIV. Numbers demonstrate that Africa has been the most disturbed by the condition being forced into theseShow MoreRelatedWhy Hiv / Aids Is A Serious Disease Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesWHY HIV/AIDS IS A SERIOUS DISEASE HIV/AIDS is a disease that has more than 34 million people infected worldwide. This disease has 5,700 new infections every day, resulting in 240 more every single hour. This disease has caused 21.8 million deaths before the year 2000 and caused 1.8 million in 2012 alone. The same disease has one in three people in sub-Saharan Africa infected, and has no cure. These aforementioned facts, plus countless others presented are staggering and are compiled by leading organisationsRead MoreAids : A Serious Problem That Affects Our Communities887 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent and serious diseases were discovered, and some of them caused death. AIDS is one of the most serious of these diseases. The term AIDS is an abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It was reported in the United States for the first time in 1981. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infections. All around the worl d, there are about five million people who became infected with HIV during theRead MoreAids Research Paper1428 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the history of time, there have been diseases that have altered the environment of communities, societies, and the world. Some of these diseases were more catastrophic than others, however all are important to understanding how to prevent and prevail over these illnesses. One of the most preeminent diseases of our world today is the epidemic of AIDS. As a consistent killer throughout the world, AIDS has become an immediate concern to agencies and governments worldwide. In responseRead MoreWhy Hiv / Aids Is A Serious Medical And Social Issue?1602 Words   |  7 Pages1, 2015 Why HIV/AIDS is a serious medical and social issue HIV/ AIDS is the serious problem of the world today. HIV is commonly known as Human Immune Deficiency Virus and AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus. HIV is the first stage and AIDS is the final stage of the same disease. HIV/AIDS is not itself a disease, but it decrease the power of immunity in the human body which will decrease the resistance capacity of the body to fight the disease. It is the fluid transmitted disease which is believedRead MoreThe Pandemic Known As Aids1728 Words   |  7 Pagespandemic known as AIDS was first found in a human blood sample around the year 1959 and was later introduced to the United States in the late 1970s to early 1980s. â€Å"From 1979–1981 rare types of pneumonia, cancer, and other illnesses were being reported by doctors in Los Angeles and New York among a number of male patients who had sex with other men (â€Å"Where did HIV come from?†).† Due to these occurrences, doctors did their research and were able to trace the cause of this fatal disease called AcquiredRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1574 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious agent that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in which the immune system breaks down, but it can take up to 10 years for HIV to turn into AIDS. This disease destroys CD4+ T cells, which are essential in helping the body fight disease (CDC, 2003). HIV can also invade the central nervous system which can cause severe neurological problems. AIDS was first reported in the United States in 1981, and since 1981 over 750,000Read MoreDurex Save Sex Campaign Against AIDS-HIV688 Words   |  3 PagesOverview Durex Save Sex Campaign Against AIDS/HIV Hello to everyone, my name is Irem Gamsizoglu, and I`m first year medicine student. I will tell you about disease that is spread all around the world – AIDS and HIV and the corporate social responsibility campaign made by one of the most famous contraception related company Durex. And I`d like to start my overview with famous quote by Elizabeth Taylor; once she said that â€Å"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance†Read MoreGlobal Health Challenges Of India1675 Words   |  7 Pagesand fighting to overcome from those challenges. When it is comes to the India, which is WHO region, also have health challenges and making the healthy people by some changes in health system and following Millennium Development Goals. The enormous disease burden and more health in equalities and that one in six person in the world are an Indian on the one hand, and the country’s new economics and its logical capital in nation also overseas o n the other hand, has created for global health challengeRead MoreHiv And Aids : A Victim Of Hiv / Aids1274 Words   |  6 PagesBenoite is a victim of HIV/AIDS disease who experienced first hand, with her partner, the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS. She grew deathly sick, worrying about her own health and the health of her babies that she might have infected. Benoite realized that by her impulsive actions, she put the lives of her children and husband in danger, because she didn’t know just how common HIV was. Most people are aware of the disease known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeRead MoreUcv Essay882 Words   |  4 PagesAttitudes surrounding HIV/AIDS in Milwaukee have varied over the years and throughout different activist groups. UWM’s Archives contain a lot of material regarding information on the different AIDS activist groups and resources throughout Milwaukee’s history including, Bobby Positive booklets writte n by a man with AIDS giving personal tips on how to live with AIDS, who later died from the disease in 1997, and different Strategic Plans from the AIDS Resource center of Wisconsin, a HIV health care center